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Hopi Indian Tribe

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Hopi refers to a Native American nation who primarily live on the 1.5 million acre (6,000 kmē) Hopi Reservation in northeastern Arizona. The reservation is surrounded by the Navajo reservation.

A few Hopi live on the Colorado River Indian Reservation, in western Arizona.

The traditional Hopi are organized into matrilineal clans. When a man marries, the children from the relationship are members of his wife's clan. The Bear Clan is one of the more prominent clans.

The Hopi, more than most Native American peoples, retain and continue to practice their traditional ceremonial culture. However, like other tribes, they are severely impacted by the ambient American culture. Traditionally the Hopi were highly skilled subsistence farmers. With the installation of electricity and the necessity of having a motor vehicle and the other things which can be purchased, the Hopi have been moving into a cash economy with many people seeking and holding outside jobs as well as earning money from traditional crafts.

The Hopi have been impacted by very active missionary work by a number of religions and also by consumerism and alcoholism. Nevertheless there is a traditionalist core which adheres to traditional ways.

The Hopi have been impacted by very active missionary work by a number of religions and also by consumerism and alcoholism. Nevertheless there is a traditionalist core which adheres to traditional ways.

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